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Invitation status

The Invitation status column shows whether the survey invitation has been sent successfully.

There are seven statuses:

  • Not applicable: This will show for a passcode, kiosk or public link participant. There are no contact details for those participants, so they can't be invited in a way we can track.

  • Sent: The invitation has been sent from the AskYourTeam system. We're waiting for confirmation it has been delivered

  • Bounce: Email delivery was attempted but failed.

  • Dropped: The recipient's email previously bounced, or the recipient has marked it as spam. The AskYourTeam system will not attempt redelivery to the contact details provided.

  • Deferred: The recipient's mail system has requested we slow down the speed of emails sent. Emails will be sent over a period of time.

  • Delivered: The invitation has been successfully delivered to the recipient.

  • Pending: The invitation hasn't been sent yet.

For any emails that have Dropped or Bounced, check that the participant's email address or mobile number is correct.

For emails that are Pending or Deferred, check back later to see if the Invitation status has updated.

You can also filter your participant list by Invitation status.

Survey progress

This column shows if the participant has completed the survey or not.

There are four statuses:

  • Not started: The participant has not yet started the survey.

  • In progress: The participant has started the survey but not yet completed it.

  • Completed : The participant has completed the survey.

  • Unsubscribed: The participant has unsubscribed from survey invitations from your organisation.

You can also filter your participant list by Survey progress.