How does the minimum threshold affect reports?

The minimum threshold is the number of responses needed before you can generate a report. It is usually set to 5 but can sometimes be as low as 3.

The minimum threshold protects participants' identities by helping ensure that their answers can't be linked to them. We remind participants that their identity is protected in the survey invitation email and the survey welcome screen. This helps them feel confident about giving their honest opinion.

If a minimum threshold is in place, you won't be able to view specific reports or use filters based on demographics until the threshold has been met.

If your survey has closed and the minimum threshold is not met, you can try extending it to give more people (or specific demographics of people) more time to complete it.

💡 Did you know? The minimum threshold is only relevant for anonymous surveys. For surveys that are not anonymous, the intention is to be able to link answers to participants if needed. So they don't need the minimum threshold applied to reports.

Who sets the minimum threshold?

The minimum threshold is set at the account level for your organisation. It is set to 5 by default, although you can submit a request to our Customer Success Team to reduce it to 3 or 4.

There is one exception – Leadership Effectiveness 360. If you're running a leadership survey, the survey creator can adjust the minimum threshold themselves. This is done in the survey's settings.

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