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What should I do if I am unsure why a particular question had a lower than expected score?

If you are unsure as to why a particular question has a low score, we would recommend going out soon after the survey closes to delve deeper and identify the following;

  1. What is driving this low score?

  2. What ideas the team have to turn this around?

Delving deeper would typically be a short targeted survey and could either be sent to the whole organisation or just to a specific team or department, dependent on where potential 'hot spots' are identified. It is important to delve deeper with relevant questions to that particular areas of the business.

AskYourTeam has researched based and customer examples of questions you could ask to ‘delve deeper’ and get more feedback.

It is important to gain fact-based information on the key drivers of lower scores before taking action. That way actions will target the right areas and are likely to drive positive change in that area. The added benefit to delving deeper is that participants know that they have been heard and listened to and this also reinforces the ethos of improvement through continuous involvement.

We recommend going out with delving deeper questions in a new survey within 2 to 3 weeks of the survey closing.


Benefits of delving deeper

  • It shows your people that they have been listened to

  • It shows the immediacy of real time reporting by completing delving deeper quickly

  • It keeps the momentum going and ensure the survey responses don’t go into a black hole

  • It gets clarification on detail from any assertions

  • It identifies possible solutions for your action plans

Examples of Delving Deeper Questions focused on Communication

  1. Do you believe our organisation provides you with adequate opportunities to discuss your opinions, ideas and concerns in settings that you are comfortable using? If not, please explain.

  2. What can we do better to encourage you to voice your opinions?

  3. Do you think our organisation is proactive enough in seeking your feedback? If not, how could we improve?

  4. Have we created a safe environment for you to provide constructive feedback? If not, please explain how we could change this.

  5. Are you confident that your input and concerns have been heard and seriously considered by the organisation? How could we improve?

  6. What made you feel that your opinions were not valued? How can we improve?

  7. On a scale of 0-10 (0 being not at all, 10 being very effectively) how effectively does your immediate leader communicate? Please share your ideas of how this could be improved.

  8. On a scale of 0-10 (0 being not at all, 10 being very safe) how safe do you feel voicing your opinion or ideas? Please elaborate should you wish to.

  9. Are communications from the CEO/Senior Leadership Team are passed down effectively through the organisation. If not, please explain how this could be improved.

  10. Do you have adequate opportunities to provide feedback within your team? If not, please explain how could this be improved.

  11. Do you believe that we, as an organisation, take  into account different cultures/ethnicities when communicating? Please explain how this could be improved.

  12. Do you feel as an organisation we have a clear communication channel from the CEO/senior leaders through to everyone else? If not, please explain.