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The People Leader field

The People Leader field is recommended as it can be used to set up automated access to view survey results to all your leaders. This can save you heaps of time as you will not need to filter viewer permissions down to specific teams or reports.

To use People Leader field you must have participant identifiers (IDs) in your library. This ensures there are no duplicates and the automated access will work if you have people in your library with the same name or contact details.

To set the People Leader in the Library:

  1. Find the People Leader column in the library and click into the cell you want to update

  2. Search for the participant's leader by name

  3. Select the people leader to populate the cell

To import the People Leader into the library:

  1. Use the excel template or the export of your library data

  2. Add a column with the heading People Leader

  3. Populate that column with the leaders' IDs

    If you already have a column with leader's names that you use in reporting you can do a 'vlookup' on that column to make a new column with IDs.

    If you are unfamiliar with the 'vlookup' function in excel contact your Account Manager at AskYourTeam and they will be happy to give you a hand

There are a couple of other checks you need to do for the automation to work. The first is that you cannot set the participant as their own leader. If you do have anyone without a leader, a CEO for example, just leave their people leader blank, they can still be given permission to see survey results.

The final check is that that the people leader must not be one of the participants direct or indirect reports. If you imagine a traditional organisational hierarchy where the CEO sits at the top, reporting lines must flow downward in a linear way.