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Leadership Effectiveness Survey

The leadership effectiveness survey is focused on key leadership themes identified by top performing leaders around the world, the questions are designed for a team to answer questions about their leader directly.

Although the leadership effectiveness survey and standard AskYourTeam surveys are created through the same process, there are some key differences between these. The leadership effectiveness survey is designed to always be open, allowing you to add multiple leader feedback groups and schedule each of them with separate start and end dates/times. In another way, you can think of it as having 'mini-surveys' within a survey.

You will still go through the standard survey create flow of:

Survey Information > Questions > Demographics Participants > Communications > Overview & Publish

During this process, you will notice the following key differences.


Survey Information

Start and end dates
For a leadership effectiveness survey, there are no start and end dates. Once you publish the survey, the survey is 'active'. However, you need to add separate start and end dates/times for each leader feedback group on the Participants page.


Leadership effectiveness surveys are confidential by default and your organisation's minimum report threshold will apply. Only the survey creator will be able to manage and view the results of a leadership effectiveness survey. 

You may choose to share the results with others by setting report viewer permissions.


The leadership effectiveness survey has a dynamic variable [LEADER_NAME] in the questions and explanations by default. This will be replaced by the name of the leader in the survey while taking the survey. This will help participants to understand for which leader they are giving feedback while taking the survey. 

The dynamic variable [LEADER_NAME] will also be replaced with the name of the leader while analysing the results of a leader and the exports.


There are two AskYourTeam recommended demographic categories linked to the leadership effectiveness survey - Leader and Relation. These are specific to leadership effectiveness surveys and will NOT be seen in the library. These demographic categories cannot be excluded from the survey.

  • Leader: The full name of the leaders added to the survey will be automatically populated as the options for this category. You can use this to analyse the results by leader.

  • Relation: There are two options for this category - Self and feedback group. You can use this to compare the leader's self-assessment with the feedback group's score.


The leadership effectiveness survey is used to collect feedback about a leader from a group of participants. So the participants in a leadership effectiveness survey are groups by the leader. Each leader feedback group can have its own start and end dates/times.

  • Add leaders: Use the dropdown to add leaders for whom you wish to collect feedback. Search by leader name or email to add leaders from the library to the survey.

  • Start and end dates: You can set different start and end dates for each leader and schedule them. All leader feedback groups will be in draft until the leadership effectiveness survey is published. After the leadership effectiveness survey is published, each leader feedback group will be Pending/Active/Closed based on the individual start and end dates/times.

    You can extend each leader feedback group if needed, silently or with notifications similar to other AskYourTeam standard surveys.

  • Add participants: Click on +Add participants next to each leader feedback group to add participants to them. A popup modal will appear where you can add/manage participants for that leader feedback group. By default, the leader will be part of their feedback group for self-assessment. Search by name or email in the Add more participants dropdown to add participants to the leader feedback group.


Leader name

You can insert a custom dynamic field [LEADER_NAME] to the welcome message, thank you message, invitations and reminders of leadership effectiveness surveys. This will be replaced by the leader name of the feedback group while taking the survey or receiving emails.



Reminder emails work on a send period. This will be applied to all leader feedback groups in the survey. You can set reminders on: 

  • 30 days before the end date

  • 14 days before the end date

  • 7 days before the end date

  • 5 days before the end date

  • 3 days before the end date

  • 1 day before the end date

  • On the end date

NOTE: If an end date for a feedback group is entered and they do not fall within the reminder sending period, their invitation will be sent automatically. You will be notified about this while adding new leader feedback groups to a leadership survey having reminders already set.

Overview & Publish

Leadership effectiveness surveys require at least one leader group to be added to complete the setup. 

Once the survey has been published, the survey is automatically Active. All the leader feedback groups will be pending/active/closed based on their start and end dates/times.