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Managing Passcodes

If you have included passcode participants to your survey, the Passcodes page will appear when managing your survey, once it has been published.
Here you will find a list of all passcode participants for the survey along with their unique 12-digit passcode and demographic information. 

Demographic information has been provided alongside the passcodes to enable easy distribution of passcodes to the correct participants.

Export Excel

To export an Excel list of participants and their passcodes, select the Export Excel button on the right of the screen.

Export PDF

To export the passcode slips, along with your personalised message, select one or more participant from the table, then select Email PDF. This can take up to 30-minutes and a link to download the file will be emailed to the address you are logged in with.

How do QR codes work?

QR codes are unique to each participant and when scanned, will take the participant straight into the survey - they won't even need to input their passcode.

Check out our article here for participants on how to scan the QR code.

NOTE: Not all phones are capable of using their inbuilt camera to scan the code. There are a number of trusted QR scanner apps available though which will do the same thing, just via an app.