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Who should take part in reviewing and analysing the reports?

This is not prescriptive and varies from one organisation to another. Typically the AskYourTeam Account Manager starts the process of reviewing the organisation-wide results with their team. The Senior Leadership/Executive team could also be part of the initial reviews once the survey closes.

AskYourTeam offers a wide a range of services in this regard and would be happy to discuss your requirements. Please contact your Account Manager at AskYourTeam or email

This guide will help you understand your AskYourTeam survey results, feel confident leading a discussion with your team/wider leadership team, and taking appropriate and prompt action.

How do I log in to view the report?

If you are an Account Manager for your organisation, log into the AskYourTeam system using your email and password. To access a survey's report, simply click on the survey name and this takes you directly to the report.

If you are a People Leader in the organisation and would like to see your team's results, contact your organisation's AskYourTeam Account Manager to discuss how your teams results are planned to be shared with you. If you do not know who your organisation's Account Manager is, contact and we will be able to guide you to the right person.

Where do I start?

Review the Participation Rate

A great place to start is the Participation Report.

Review the overall participation for the organisation and how this compares to your targeted participation. If this is not your first survey, it may be valuable to compare to previous similar surveys.


Review the Organisation-wide Scores

Start by viewing the average scores for each category in the Questions Report. This provides scores and breakdowns for all questions included to the survey.

The Agree-Disagree report shows you all the AskYourTeam validated questions grouped by categories to give you an average score for each category, as well as any custom questions you have included using the Agree-Disagree question type. These will be grouped under the category Custom.

We recommend ensuring that you do not take these high level scores on face value and to beware of the blend and deceit of an average! When you start drilling down into each of the questions that underpins the category, you may find some significant variances in the scores that make up the overall average, particularly when applying demographic filters later on in the analysis process.

Here are a few tips when reviewing question scores:

  • Identify any trends.

As an example, if the Leadership category appeared several times in your highest-scoring questions, this helps to identify some successes and positive feedback for your leadership team around these areas. However, should a category such as Internal Communication appear repeatedly in your lowest scoring questions, this could identify an opportunity for improvement when identifying areas requiring improvement and action-planning.

  • Do scores confirm anything?

As well as identifying trends, this report can be helpful to confirm anything you may be expecting. 

  • Do you need to delve deeper?

Consider at this early stage if there is anything that stands out where you are wanting to find out more. This is where you would ask specific free text questions to ‘delve deeper’ to gather more qualitative data.

This can be done at either an organisation or team level, dependent on where potential hot spots are identified. We recommend a follow up survey with delving deeper questions within 2 to 3 weeks of the survey closing.

It is also important to consider any context that may be driving some lower scores.

You are also able to see a full breakdown of the scores for each question. This will show you a breakdown of both percentage and count of participants who have selected a particular response, e.g. Strongly Disagree. This helps to identify potential hotspots, e.g. if a large percentage of participants selected 'Don't Know' for a particular question where you may have expected that they should know, this could highlight a potential opportunity for improvement.


Who should have access to view their results?

This is entirely at your discretion. Our ethos encourages distributed leadership with leaders taking responsibility driving positive change within their respective teams. We would recommend giving access to your Executive / Senior Leadership Team and to People Leaders with direct reports (bearing in mind that there would need to be at least the minimum report threshold of responses to generate a report). 

Your dedicated Client Services Specialist at AskYourTeam would be happy to discuss your individual setup with you as every organisation differs here.


How can reports be shared with leaders?

We would recommend that leaders are given access to view results for their team online. This is done by either an Account Manager or Account Administrator setting report viewing permissions and inviting them to view their results once the survey has closed.

You can also view FAQ's about report viewer permissions here.


Other question types

0-10 Scale and Yes/No questions work in a similar way.  You are able to view the scores and a breakdown of responses by hovering over the bar chart.

For multi-choice questions a bar chart is provided to help you visualise the responses given as either a percentage or as a response count.

If comments were allowed for any of these question types a comments icon appears underneath the questions and a numeric value representing the number of comments associated with that question.  Simply click this icon to view all comments associated with this question. This then takes you to the 'Text Analysis' report.

Colour Coding of the Reports

Colours are an effective medium for communicating meaning in data visualisations and helps convey a story of the data being displayed. Comparing even moderate amounts of data can be taxing for anyone to look at. However by using contrasting colours, like a traffic light gradient, it can simplify things and help you see the big picture and identify areas to drill down into further.

The majority of the AskYourTeam reports use a traffic light colour gradient as these colours are widely used and understood. Some results are displayed in neutral colours, such as the Participation report, Yes-No, 0-10 Scale and Multi-Choice responses. Typically green and red colours represent positive and negative scores respectively. However a 'yes' response to a question about the participant experiencing or witnessing negative behaviour, is certainly not positive and green would neither match the response, nor be appropriate.

Leader's guide to taking action on survey results

No matter what the size of the organisation you work for, as a member of your leadership team, it can be it can be a daunting process to receive your survey results.

AskYourTeam is a safe platform, allowing participants to give open and honest feedback, an opportunity to have a voice, with the intent of ultimately lifting the performance of the organisation. Feedback is likely to have a mix of both positive, constructive and helpful feedback and some that is less positive. Some feedback may be expected and some not. This is great because we can’t take action on things we don’t know about!

Overall principles to keep in mind when going through your result

It is important to see feedback as being constructive and well-intended rather than personal. An open- minded and receptive approach to reviewing your results will enable you to use the feedback to make meaningful change within your sphere of influence. Consider any less positive feedback around either operational aspects or your leadership as an opportunity for improvement in these areas. 

The fact is that feedback represents either reality, or an individual/ group's perception of reality. Irrespective of whether you agree or not with the feedback, there is work to be done to either fix the issue or to change the perception of the person or people around them - because in the feedback giver’s experience, the situation is real enough to bring it forward. Either way, feedback represents information to work constructively with.

Identify your opportunities to improve and also celebrate your successes. 

Lead by example;

Outline your own personal learnings and insights, discuss what you as a leader will
look to improve on. It is important to be transparent with your team throughout the process. Being a leader does not mean that you always get it right or that you always have the solution.

Learn from others;

What is working well for other leaders/teams? What are their celebrations and what can
you take back to your team or self learn?

Keep positive and constructive;

As a leader, review the results yourself first. Working methodically through the reports, consider the following...

  • What surprises you the most?

  • What has been confirmed for you?

  • What themes can you see? (Operational/Leadership)

  • Is there anything that you need to understand more about?

  • What are the key points to share with your team?

Thereafter get your whole team involved! Include everyone when sharing the results, working
through action plans and finding solutions.

Most importantly, don't be defensive. It is the progress you need to focus on. Give your team the support and guidance they need to set them up for success. This will lift improvement in your team and your leadership, build openness and trust and make everyone take ownership in driving success.