Heatmap Report

Not all groups of people will have the same experience, so you need to look beyond the organisation's overall average score to avoid missing any insights. The Heatmap Report can help with this, as it allows you to compare how different groups of people respond to specific questions or categories. By breaking down responses by demographic, you'll be able to identify which group(s) need special focus.

To get started, you'll need to select a demographic category from the drop-down to generate the report.

Understanding the colours

When you generate a Heatmap Report, scores for each demographic will show in the matrix. These scores will be paired with a colour:

  • Green: The more intense the green, the more positive the reponse was from that demographic.
  • Red: The more intense the red, the less positive the response was from that demographic.

Changing demographics

You can change what data you see by:

  • selecting a different demographic category from the drop-down, or
  • applying global filters to report.

Carefully exploring all demographics will help you gain a thorough understanding of how different demographics responded to questions, categories and the survey overall.

Export the report

You can export the Heatmap Report to Excel. Unlike the other reports, you won't use the global Export button. You will use the Export link within the tab instead.

When you select this link it will automatically begin the export and download your file. The export will only contain information on the demographic you selected.

For example, if you selected Department from the dropdown and then Export, your downloaded file will only contain the Department heatmap information.

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