What reports do I get with my AskYourTeam account?

AskYourTeam comes with a range of reports designed to help you extract actionable insights fast. Each report shows something slightly different and updates as soon as a participant completes their survey.

As an AskYourTeam customer, you'll automatically get access to our standard reporting suite, as well as the ability to apply filters and export reports.

Let's take a look at what's in the standard reporting suite.

Standard reporting suite 

The standard reporting suite includes an Insights Dashboard and nine reports. You can control which reports team members see by setting up report viewer permissions.

Insights Dashboard

The Insights Dashboard is the quick and simple way to start understanding your survey results. Highlighting trends and areas that need attention, it can help you understand where to focus action and resources to drive change.  

The Insights Dashboard can be turned on or off at survey level and can only be viewed by Account Managers.

It contains: 

  • a summary of the overall survey results (✨ AI generated)
  • a summary of what's working well and what needs some work (✨AI generated)
  • a demographic spotlight (a graph showing the biggest difference in score between demographics)
  • suggested next steps to help you get the most value out of your insights and the AskYourTeam platform.

The Insights Dashboard is not currently available for Leadership Effectiveness 360 surveys.

💡 Did you know? To access the Insights Dashboard you must enable AI for reporting in your survey settings when creating your survey. 

Questions Report 

This report shows you the average score for each question in your survey, excluding free-text questions. Tabs at the top of the report allow you to view scores by question type, like Agree-Disagree, Yes/No, 0 to 10, multichoice.  

You can also view the breakdown of answers for a specific question. For example, how many participants selected Strongly Agree, Agree, Somewhat Agree etc...

Most of your survey questions will be Agree-Disagree, so your Questions Report will default to the Agree-Disagree tab. 

It has two views:  

  • Question: Shows the average score by individual question. 
  • Category: Shows the average score by question category, like ‘Communication’ questions.

Alignment Report

The Alignment Report compares the scores of at least two groups of people, such as an executive team and everyone else in the organisation. It shows whether their results are similar or different. A significant difference in results could mean there are issues to resolve that one group is unaware of.

There are three types of Alignment Reports. Which report you can see depends on the type of survey you're running and what access you've been given.

The three Alignment Reports are:

  • Non-executive vs Executive
  • Demographic group vs Organisation
  • Feedback group(s) vs Self (Leadership Effectiveness 360 only)

If you're running Patient Voice, this report won't show in your reporting suite, as the way it presents data isn't relevant to that survey type.

Heatmap Report 

The Heatmap Report allows you to compare responses across a demographic category like age, gender or ethnicity. This can be done at a question or category level.

For example, an organisation's average score for a question might be 70%, but when they select the Age demographic in the Heatmap Report, it reveals the age-group 18 to 25 scored it just 50%. That's a big gap! 

So the Heatmap Report enables you to dig deeper. Helping you identify strengths and opportunities for improvement that lie beneath the overall average score. 

Over Time Report

The Over Time Report is a line graph that shows you how scores change over time. It can be used to help identify emerging trends or track progress.  

You can choose what data is plotted on the graph by using the toggles: 

  • Date period: Day, Week, Month 
  • Data point: Average (average overall survey score), Categories, Questions. 

The Over Time report will only show as an option if you’re running an ongoing survey (like Onboarding or Patient Voice) that contains Agree-Disagree questions.

Text Analysis Report

The Text Analysis Report helps you gather insights from written feedback, faster. It shows in your reporting suite when your survey collects free-text comments. 

The Text Analysis Report uses AI to automatically:

  • assign sentiment to comments
  • detect and flag sensitive comments
  • generate and assign topics to comments
  • generate question and topic summaries and select their example comments.

You can also edit topic labels at a question level and filter comments by sentiment and topic.

💡 Did you know? To experience the full range of features listed above, you must enable AI for reporting in your survey settings when creating your survey. 

Participation Report

The Participation Report shows the participation rate for your survey.

The participation rate is based on the number of participants and the stage their surveys are at:

  • Completed  
  • In progress (changes to Incomplete once the survey closes)
  • Not started 

Participation rates have a big impact on the success of your survey. For example, low participation rates could mean missing important insights.  So you can use this report to monitor participation rates as your survey runs, giving you time to adjust your communication strategy.

Comparing results between surveys

The Compare Surveys section allows you to compare the results of Agree-Disagree questions between surveys. It is located in the left-hand menu, not your reporting suite and is an important tool for tracking your progress.

There are three reports in this section:

  • Comparison report: Similar layout to the Questions report. It shows you the score each survey received for a specific question or category. You can use this report to compare 2 to 5 surveys.
  • Over time report: Similar to the Over Time report in your reporting suite, it is a line graph. It shows you whether there is a downward or upward trend between surveys and it can be viewed by overall average, question or category. You can use this report to compare 2 to 5 surveys.
  • Heatmap: Similar layout to the Heatmap in your reporting suite. It shows the % difference between two surveys with a demographic applied. For example, the % difference between responses from females in 'Survey 1' to 'Survey 2'. It can be viewed by question or category.

Surveys must have at least one question in common to generate these reports.

💡 Want to know more? You can learn more about any of these reports in our Help Centre.

Report filters and exports

The standard reporting suite also includes the ability to apply filters and export reports.

Report filters

You can apply filters to adjust what you see across your reporting suite. 

The standard filters are: 

  • Demographic filters: Explore responses from different groups of people by applying demographic filters like age, gender, ethnicity. What demographic filters you have available, depends on what demographics you chose for your survey.  
  • Question and category filters: Focus your results on a particular question or category. 

Report exports

If you need to create a presentation or share results, you might want to export your report data. You can export this in a variety of formats.  

Report name  Format 
Questions Report  Excel, PDF, Powerpoint
Heatmap Report  Excel
Over time Report  No export currently available. 
Text Analysis Report  Excel, PDF, Powerpoint
Benchmarks Report 

Excel, PDF, Powerpoint

Participation Report  Excel, Powerpoint
Insights Dashboard  Powerpoint


Benchmarks are a paid upgrade that you can add to your reporting suite. Benchmarks allow you to compare your question scores to the average score from similar organisations. This brings more context to your results, as you can see whether your score is higher or lower than the average.  

Benchmark reporting is available for specific AskYourTeam Agree-Disagree questions only. It is not available for custom questions (questions you create yourself) or other question types.  

What benchmark data you can compare your results to depends on which benchmark report you’ve purchased:  

  • Benchmarks Report: Sector benchmark only 
  • Advanced Benchmarks Report: All available benchmarks (Sector, Organisation Size, Industry). 
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