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All Leaders Report

The All Leaders report provides an overview of leadership capability across an organisation.

It only shows as an option in your reporting suite if you've:

  • run a Leadership Effectiveness 360 survey AND

  • been granted access to view the report.

The report is displayed as a heatmap table. Each column represents a leader and their scores. Only scores for agree-disagree scale questions are shown.

Each score is colour-coded red or green, and you'll notice there are gradients of these colours. The more intense the colour the stronger the score reflects the following statements:

  • Red: There are opportunities for the leader to develop their skills in this area.

  • Green: The leader is performing well in this area.

Use the toggles to change views

Use the toggles at the top of the table to change the data shown.

You can choose from two options:

  • Category: View leader results by question group (e.g. Leading Self, Leading Other, Leading culture)

  • Questions: View leader results by individual questions.

Identify patterns and opportunities

The All Leaders report shouldn't be used to compare scores between leaders. Instead, it's a tool to help organisations identify patterns and opportunities for training and development.

For example, in the screenshot to the left, we can see leadership development is needed around providing feedback and performance reviews. This insight can help focus coaching and investment to improve overall leadership capability.