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What to expect?

Good survey planning is critical to the success of running AskYourTeam. The following is an outline of the Set-Up for Success Workshop you will run with your Account Manager as part of your AskYourTeam onboarding.

The main aim of this workshop will be to:

  • Ensure clarity of the whole AskYourTeam process with you / your team

  • Understand key business outcomes you are wanting to achieve

  • Discuss the different roles of your team and AskYourTeam for implementation 

  • Ensure a full understanding of all aspects to set up your survey

  • To facilitate the discussion / decisions to set up your survey, this will maximise the value that the insights and reports will give your teams/leaders and organisation

  • Discuss the relevant IT checks (browser compatibility, internal security requirements) that will need to be carried out prior to your survey go live to ensure a smooth survey launch

  • To actually set up as much of the survey as possible

Who should be involved?

In order to achieve this, we want to make sure that the right people from your organisation will be part of this setup workshop. 

We recommend that the following people are present, especially to allow the decisions to be made during the workshop:

  • Key contacts at your organisation who will be responsible for driving the whole AskYourTeam process

  • Communications expert (Internal or External) – To plan and execute survey communications to the organisation

  • Key decision maker/s - It is recommended that some representatives from your ELT/SLT attend part of the workshop to ensure their clarity of AskYourTeam, the purpose of the organisation using the AskYourTeam continuous involvement system and also their role in supporting its successful implementation, particularly through leading by example.

We are happy to be flexible with the flow of the workshop as it is not necessary for all attendees to be there for the entire duration of the workshop. Please let us know if there are specific areas we need to cover for particular attendees (and if possible timings so that we can ensure we deliver what they need).

What preparation should be done prior to the workshop?

In preparation for the workshop it would be great if you could please put some thought into / prepare or bring the following with you:

  1.  Your organisation structure/chart (this will be used to assist in deciding your demographics)

  2. It would be useful to have some knowledge of any initiatives you are currently undertaking at your organisation that you're happy to share. It helps to provide an insight about your organisation so we can ensure you maximise the value from the AskYourTeam system.

  3. Participant information such as number of email participants and those who may require an alternative method of completing their survey. We will run through all options in the workshop.

  4. Consider the time-frame and planning for your baseline survey (start date, duration, results review, analysis and action planning), as well as an internal communications plan before, during and after the survey.

  5. Key people at your organisation to implement survey setup, internal communications and IT checks.

  6. It would be helpful (but not essential) if you have the opportunity to review the baseline survey question set in advance of the workshop. We recommend using as many questions as possible. We can personalise these by modifying some wording/language to ensure that questions are relevant to your organisation. However we need to ensure that we keep to the core meaning of the questions (as these have been researched and independently validated).

  7. Please consider any custom questions you may wish to include in your survey as well.

  8. Lastly, think about what demographic information may be useful when analysing reports. Demographics provide another level of analysis in the results.

We will discuss and work through all of the above during the workshop, so please do not worry if you are unable to get to this before then. The goal is to ensure that you have a clear understanding of AskYourTeam and to set up the framework for your first survey.