How to set up Report Viewers for a Leadership Effectiveness 360 survey

Report Viewers are the people you allow to view survey reports and results. For a Leadership Effectiveness 360 survey, the leader's results should only be viewed by the leader and the experienced professional taking them through their results.

If someone else (like a manager) wants to access these results, they need to ask the leader's permission. This helps build faith in the process and gives leaders control over who sees what.

Who can set up Report Viewers?

Leadership Effectiveness 360 surveys have an extra layer of security to keep the leader's results confidential. Let's compare what's different.

When you run a regular survey:

  • Report Viewers can be set up by anyone in your organisation with the Account Manager role.
  • Account Managers can view all survey results.

When you run a Leadership Effectiveness 360 survey:

  • Report Viewers can only be set up by the person who created the survey.
  • Account Managers can't view survey results unless given permission.

Where do you set up and manage Report Viewers?

To set up and manage Report Viewers:

  1. Select Leadership in the left menu.
  2. Find the survey you need to create Report Viewers for.
  3. Select the three dots on the survey card and then Permissions.
  4. Select Create permissions.

Now you're in the right place, let's set up your first Report Viewer.

⚠️ Did you know? Once you create a report viewer, the Create permissions button changes to Manage permissions.

Setting up your first Report Viewer

Your first Report Viewer should be the person running the 1 to 1 sessions with the leaders.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Select Add New Report Viewer.
  2. Enter their name or email into the search box, or use the filter to find them. If you can't find them, make sure they've been added as a user.
  3. Select their name from the list and then Done. This will add them to your Report Viewer table.
  4. Their name in the table will be a link. Select their name. Choose what you want them to access. You won't see Demographics as an option for Leadership Effectiveness 360, you will only see two options:
    • Leaders: Which leader's results they can see.
    • Reports: Which reports they can access. The All Leaders Report should only be shared with people who need an overview of leadership capability across the organisation. It should never be shared with individual leaders.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Select the eye icon from the Preview column to double-check that the permissions are correct. This will show you the view that the Report Viewer will see.
  7. If everything looks good, select the envelope icon from the Invite column. This sends an email notifying them results are ready for review.

You can follow the same process for leaders. They need to be added as Report Viewers to view their own results. However, timing is important.

Leaders shouldn't be given their results or access to their results before their 1 to 1 session. This is to ensure that feedback is interpreted correctly, received in the right way and put into perspective (it's normal for humans to focus on the negative).

💡 Did you know? You can't set bulk permissions or send bulk invites for Leadership Effectiveness 360 surveys.

How to edit Report Viewer permissions

You can easily change who's results and which reports a Report Viewer can see.

  1. Go back to your list of Report Viewers for that survey.
  2. Select the name of the person whose permissions you need to edit.
  3. Make your changes, then select Save.

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