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Add, edit or delete users

Users are people who log in to your AskYourTeam account. To manage the users in your organisation, go to My OrganisationUsers.

How to add a new user
  1. Select New User.

  2. Enter the user's information (first name, last name and email).

  3. Select their Role.

  4. Select Save

All new users will be emailed information on how to log in, except Report Viewers. Report Viewers are only emailed once added and invited to a survey.

How to edit a user
  1. Find the user you want to edit. You can do this by looking through the list, searching or filtering by role.

  2. Select the pencil icon on their row in the table.

  3. Make your changes.

  4. Select Save to confirm your changes

Any change you make to a user's role will generate an email notifying them that their role has been changed.

Editing restrictions

You can't edit a user's information if they belong to more than one organisation. For example, if there are external consultants undertaking work for multiple organisations. In this situation, there will be no pencil icon shown.

This restriction is in place to ensure no details are changed that could prevent them from logging in for another organisation.

How to delete a user
  1. Find the user you want to edit. You can do this by looking through the list, searching or filtering by role.

  2. Select the trash can icon in the Delete column.

  3. Then select OK.