How to edit Report Viewer permissions

There are two ways you can edit Report Viewer permissions:

  • individually, or
  • as a group (in bulk).

For either option, start by going to the Permissions section of your survey.

To get there:

  1. Go to My surveys in the left menu.
  2. Select the three dots on a specific survey.
  3. Select Permissions.
  4. Select Automate permissions or Manage permissions. This will take you to the list of report viewers for the survey.

Not sure which one to choose?

  • Automate permissions: Generates report viewers automatically based on your organisation's hierarchy. Learn more about automated permissions.
  • Manage permissions: This is the manual method. It lets you select who can be a report viewer. Learn more about manage/manual permissions.

Edit permissions for a single Report Viewer

To edit permissions for a single Report Viewer:

  1. Find the Report Viewer you need to edit permissions for. You can do this by browsing the list or searching.
  2. Select their First Name. This will open a new page showing what permissions they currently have.
  3. Make your changes to their permissions.
  4. Select Save.

Edit permissions for a group of Report Viewers

To edit permissions for more than one Report Viewer:

  1. Select all the Report Viewers you want to edit permissions for.
  2. Select the Bulk changes top right.
  3. Use the tabs FiltersDemographics and Reports to select which permissions you'd like this group to have.
  4. Make sure to select Add on each tab to save your changes.

💡 Only use Bulk changes when all Report Viewers in the group require the same permissions. If they need different permissions, they'll need to be updated individually.

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