Compare report
Similar to the Alignment and Questions reports, the Comparison report breaks down the surveys being compared for easy analysis by Category and Questions.
Analysing comparisons
By default, matched questions are grouped by Categories and displays the survey name and average.
Hover over the bar to see the Category name, score and number of participants that responded to that survey. Or click the Category name to see the questions that make up this Category.
Select Questions to view all matched questions and sort these by the difference or spread between selected surveys.
NOTE: the question name displayed will be from the latest survey. For VOICE surveys, this will display a Question set name that summarises the topic of these.
We provide two calculations to analyse differences between surveys being compared.
Diff - calculated as the latest survey score minus the oldest.
This uses the survey's End dates and is shown as a +/- number to show increases or decreases in scores.
Spread - calculated as the highest score minus the lowest
This uses the survey's average score and shows the spread of the averages scores across all surveys being compared.
Excel and PowerPoint exports are provided to export the Categories and Questions comparisons.
The exports show each survey in the comparison along with the scores for each Category/Question broken down by survey.
The difference and spread are also given. These are calculated against the most recent survey.