Home dashboard

Your Home Dashboard is where Account Managers land when they log into AskYourTeam. It shows important information about recent and upcoming survey activity and key account stats.

The dashboard into three sections:

  • Latest survey
  • Upcoming surveys
  • Organisation information

Latest survey

If you've recently run a survey, you'll see the Latest survey heading.

The following cards display in this section:

  • Survey information: Key information about your latest survey including status, start and end dates, and number of questions.
  • Overall average score: The average score across all Agree-Disagree questions in your survey. If no AskYourTeam Agree-Disagree are included in the survey, this card will not show.
  • Participation rate: The participation rate for your survey as a percentage and a breakdown of participation across Not Started, Incomplete, and Completed statuses.
  • Invitation status: The number of email and SMS invitations that were delivered. Surveys that contain only passcode or public link participants will show as 'Not applicable'.
  • Actions: An overview of progress towards actions created for this survey, with a breakdown by status. If no actions have been created, select 'Create Action' to get started.

Upcoming surveys

If you have surveys in Draft or Pending, they will be listed here. A maximum of five will show, ordered by start date.

An orange progress bar is listed next to the survey title. It tells you how many steps in the create survey flow have been completed. You can hover over the progress bar to find out which specific steps have been completed and which ones are yet to be completed.

Organisation information

This section shows you specific information about your AskYourTeam subscription. Make sure to check it at least every quarter to ensure you don't miss any alerts about support hours or participant limits.

The cards that may display in this section are:

  • Survey templates: Lists how many survey templates you have access to in your current subscription. Hover over each segment of the donut chart to see which ones are included and which ones are not included. You can also find this information in your survey templates library
  • Total actions: An overview of progress towards all actions across all surveys, with a breakdown by status. If no actions have been created, select 'Create Action' to get started.
  • Users: The number of users who can access your AskYourTeam account, with a breakdown by role. Each role has different permissions, which means there may be parts of the account they can or can't see. Learn more about types of user roles.
  • Participant count: Your subscription is based on the number of participants you can survey. It tells you what your participant limit is and how many participants are in your library. If the number of participants in your library is higher than your participant limit, you may need to increase it. Learn more about participant limits.
  • Support hours: If you've purchased support hours, this card will remind you how many you've used and when those support hours will expire.
  • Customer Success Representative: We're here to help! If you have questions about your subscription or AskYourTeam, get in touch with your Customer Success Representative. Their name and contact details are listed on this card.
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