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What is Kiosk Mode?

Kiosk Mode changes the survey taking process so that it can be used in a public setting, like a reception area for example.

The key differences from the standard survey taking process are:

  1. When a survey taker completes or exits the survey, after the Thank you message has been displayed, the survey will go back to the Welcome page ready for the next survey taker to start the survey

  2. A timeout is applied so that if a survey taker walks away from the kiosk without completing or exiting the survey it will go back to the Welcome page. A pop up will appear before the survey  timeout to give the survey taker the option to continue the survey

  3. If the survey taker wants to complete the survey later, they can enter an email address and have the survey sent to them. They can complete it anytime before the survey closes

  4. Once a survey taker has completed the survey and submitted their responses the browser 'back button' cannot return to the last survey responses. This is to ensure the next survey taker cannot see other peoples responses.

  5. For a more tablet friendly design and to encourage participation, the survey welcome message for Kiosk Mode is shorter than the standard survey taking message. You can edit the Kiosk Mode welcome message once Kiosk Mode has been enabled for the survey.

How do I turn on Kiosk Mode?

Kiosk Mode is turned on per survey on the Communications page during the survey set up.

Please contact your Account Manager or if you don't have access to Public Link and Kiosk Mode or if you would like to know more.

To turn on Kiosk Mode:

  1. Navigate to the survey you would like to add Kiosk Mode features to

  2. Click Manage surveys

  3. Go to the Settings tab

  4. Switch the Enable Kiosk Mode toggle on

  5. Edit the Kiosk welcome message or use the default Welcome

  6. Copy the Kiosk mode link and open it in the browser of Kiosks you are wanting to use

If you are using a Kiosk and Public Link to gain feedback to your survey be sure to use the correct links. If you use the Kiosk mode link where the Public link should be used (on your website or shared on social media for example), then Kiosk Mode features will apply.

Recommendations for running surveys using a Kiosk

When using a kiosk with the AskYourTeam platform we recommend you:

  • Edit the kiosk browser settings. Set your survey welcome page as the default to load when opening the browser or a new tab. The public link to use here can be found on the communications tab on survey set up - remember to update this when you are running new surveys

  • Use self-select demographics for reporting

  • Check the kiosk or tablet is charged each day and the survey Welcome page is open and ready to use

  • Disable the screen auto-lock so the device will be ready for each user after periods of inactivity

  • Disable the kiosk home button so that survey takers are less likely to navigate away from the browser

  • Restrict the sites that can be accessed from the kiosk or tablet to

  • Promote the survey – encourage staff to promote the survey and use signage to direct people to the kiosk

  • Decide the best place for the kiosk to be. Somewhere with plenty of traffic, a reception or waiting area - don’t be afraid to change the kiosk location and test other spaces

  • Disable any external browser extensions

  • Don’t forget to clean the kiosk regularly or provide some screen wipes for survey takers