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Using report filters

There are two main ways to filter your survey results:

  • Filter by demographics to understand how groups of people have answered questions differently. Demographic report filters are made up of the demographic categories that were included to the survey and associated with or self-select by survey participants.

  • Filter the amount of information/questions shown in the page using themes, questions groups, categories or individual questions. This can be useful when sharing reports and highlighting key points.

How do I apply demographic report filters?

To refine the survey results by demographics:

  1. Select Apply filters from the report header

  2. Select an option from Demographics...

  3. Select one or more demographic options - the number of respondents is included in brackets for each demographic option. As you filter options the number of respondents will update

  4. To continue refining results, select another option from Demographics and select the demographic options

  5. Select See results

    • If the minimum response threshold is not met to enable viewing of results, select additional demographic options to reach the response threshold

NOTE: the number of respondents in your filtered results is shown in the top right corner of the Select filters modal and under the organisation score when viewing reports. E.g. 71 of 163 means there are 71 respondents that match the selected demographics out of a total of 163 respondents to the survey.

How do I clear report filters?

To clear report filters:

  1. Select Filters applied from the report header

  2. Click Clear filters

  3. Select See results

As demographic categories are selected, the total number of participants that have completed the survey are displayed as a count on the right-side of the page.

What demographic categories are available in my report?

Select the information icon next to the report name. The panel displays information about the survey and the demographics.

If you think the demographic permissions are incorrect, please contact your Account Manager who can check and update what demographic categories you may see.

How do I apply and remove question filters?

To apply questions filters follow the same process as applying demographic filters but select from the available questions rather than demographics. You can choose from Themes, Groups, Categories or individual Questions in the filter modal.

NOTE: you can apply question filters and demographic filters at the same time before closing the modal.

To clear question filters follow the same steps as removing demographic filters:

  1. Select Filters applied from the report header

  2. Click Clear filters

  3. Select See results