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Add questions to your survey

The survey template you've selected comes with a set number of questions. The Questions tab gives you more detail about each question.

Remember, more is not always better when it comes to adding questions to your survey. Check out our Survey Best Practice guide on things such as how many questions to ask, what and how to ask.


View questions by category

Questions can be viewed by Category. Selecting a Category pill gives you the ability to view by Category to add or remove a whole category or remove individual questions within categories. 

Each Category pill displays the total number of questions within that category. If any questions have been removed, the pill will show the number of questions included along with the total number of questions available within that category.

Remove an entire Category

To remove all the questions in a category, filter to that category using the category pills at the top of the page. Click the green tick to the left of the category you wish to remove. 

If you accidentally removed a category, you can restore it by re-selecting the green tick next to the category heading. 

Remove a question

To remove a question, click the green tick to the left of the question you want to remove. When you remove individual questions from a category but not the whole category, the green tick next to the Category heading will change to yellow.

Question cards

Each question is displayed on its own question card. Each card displays the question, explanation, translations (where applicable), and the question type. To view the question card, click on the menu/three dots on the right-hand side of the question.

Note: You cannot see the question card when you have filtered using the category pills. The category pills are for the purpose of adding and removing questions and categories rather than editing the question details.

How do I create my own question group?

You can now add your own question groups to your survey. These groups are similar to the Custom Questions group but can be given different group names and added anywhere within the survey (around the other question groups). Use groups to help set up any skip logic you would like within your survey.

To add a question group:

  1. Click Create New Group. This button is displayed at the start and at the end of the survey.

  2. Give the group a name

  3. Add an explanation if required

  4. If you would like the order of the questions within this group to be randomised, turn the Randomised Questions button on

  5. Use the drop-downs to change where the group will be added. Choose either 'before' or 'after' from the first drop-down, and the question group from the second drop-down

How do I add a custom question?

If you need to ask a question that isn't in your question library, you can add a custom question.

To add a custom question:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Questions page or to the Question Group you have added.

  2. Select Create new question.

  3. An empty question card will appear. Enter the question you want to ask and an (optional) explanation.

  4. Select a Question type for the question. For example, Agree-Disagree, Yes/No, 0 to 10, Multi-Choice, Matrix or Free-Text. Learn more about question types.

  5. Select a Category for the question. This will be used to group questions in your survey reports. If you can't find a suitable category for your question, you can add your own. Type your category name into the dropdown field and select to create it.

  6. To let participants leave a comment on the question, turn on Allow Comments. You can also edit the instructions shown above the comment field. Just enter your new text into the Helper text for comment field.

How do I add questions from the question library?

You can add the questions from any of the validated surveys in your subscription to any survey you are creating.

To add a question from the question library:

  1. Go to the bottom of the Question Group to which you would like to add more questions from the Question Library

  2. Click on Add from library

  3. A popup modal will appear with the list of Validated surveys under your subscription

  4. Click on the Validated survey from which you want to select your question

  5. The list of questions in the selected Validated Survey will be displayed below

  6. Select the questions you want to add to your surveys

    • The questions can be viewed and selected by category using the Category pills

    • All questions can be viewed and selected at once using the All questions pill

  7. If you want to add more questions from a different Validated survey,

    • Select a different Validated survey on the top

    • Select the questions as you did previously

  8. All the selected questions will be listed in the Selected questions panel on the right side for you to review before adding to your survey

  9. While reviewing you can remove any selected question from the Selected questions panel by clicking on the (X) while hovering over the question

  10. Click on Add to survey button

  11. All the selected questions will be added to the group from which you started.

How do I add or change the category of my question?

You can change the category of your questions in Draft or Pending surveys.

To change the category:

  1. Select the question to expand the card and view options.

  2. Choose the Select a category dropdown.

  3. Select the new category for the question. If you can't find a suitable category for your question, you can add your own. Type your category name into the dropdown field and select to create it.

  4. Select Save. 

Questions created with no category will fall under the 'Custom' category in reports. You will get a warning about this if you save the question without selecting a category.

How do I move a question?

To reorder your custom questions:

  1. Click on the menu/three dots on the right-hand side of the question to expand the question card

  2. Click Move

  3. Use the drop-downs to determine where you would like the question to be moved

    • In the first drop-down, select the Question group you would like to move the question to

    • In the second drop-down, select either 'before' or 'after'

    • In the third drop-down, select the question you would like the 'before/after' selection to apply to

  4. Click Save to apply the changes and move the question

Can I edit a question?

You can replace specific keywords in AskYourTeam questions to reflect how you name things in your organisation.

The words you can replace are:

  • organisation

  • senior leadership team

  • team.

Find out more about replacing keywords to customise questions.

Can I export my changes?

You can export your changes as an excel. The export will include the categories, questions,  explanations, and response options for the questions.

To export:

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the Questions page

  2. Click Export questions